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Looking for some good good 25 Porto velho 25

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It includes three overflights at an altitude of km above the Earth. Cum fuck me atherstone was taken on 6 Maythe second on 25 Octoberand the third on 11 October Download here a larger version of the image of Porto Velho and surroundings 2.

Indeed, the microwaves used by the radar can penetrate the cloud coverage. The image is a composition of three dates, and the colours give some indication about the changes that occured in the Companionship possible live in between and Unchanged features appear in black, white or grey.

If a feature does not change, the value of its pixels remains the same on all three images. The prevailing greyish-magenta colour in the image represents, to a large extent, the still untouched forest.

But aftermany changes occured. The very dark and black areas represent deforestation before All patches in Naughty Adult Dating sexy Newport News women are surfaces cut between andand all green-yellowish areas were deforested mainly between October and October The many straight linear features reveal access ro along the borders.

They give us some information about where the forest will be cut. A new data acquisition will shortly be done!

The radar image also represents the topography very well, and indicates a hilly area. These are the zones where soil erosion can be expected as soon as the trees are gone.

Swinger wife Puerto Viejo some colours also appear in the river.

Brightly coloured single points are ships, but the white feature across the river is a rapid.

There the water is very turbulent, strongly scattering the radar al. The faint colours reveal increased currents, and are influenced by local winds.

Technical detail: the acquisition of 11 october is displayed in red, data taken on 25 October is displayed in green, and data of 6 May is diplayed in blue. The pixel size in this image is Hot Furano pussy LEOWorks you can make some meaurements: How wide is the river at Porto Velho, and how wide is it at its widest point near the rapids?

What is the surface of the extended magenta reddish area in the centre of the image, and when was it cleared?