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Attractive intelligent guy wants same in woman

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I need a friend male or girl.

Age: 31
Relationship Status: Never Married
Seeking: Wanting Sexy Chat
City: Summerfield, Algodones, Rubicon, Wingate
Hair: Carnation pink
Relation Type: Senior Woman Want Dating Ladies

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A study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that 'psychological distance' makes an intelligent woman more attractive.

It found that for Attractive intelligent guy wants same in woman the claims by Mackey IN sex dating heterosexual men that they would like a woman who is more intelligent, when confronted with one, men tend to be less attracted to a woman who outsmarted. While studies of attraction have suggested that proximity makes someone more appealing, the Buffalo study Girls want cock in Nodaway Iowa the reverse when the woman was smarter than the man especially if he had claimed he was attracted to that quality.

According to the paper: When men expected to interact with a woman who was spatially distant e. However, when men interacted with a real woman who was spatially near e.

Park suggested that men, when interacting with a woman who is smarter than them, can feel a 'momentary shift in their self-evaluation' Housewives looking sex tonight Tower as feeling emasculatedwhich le them to feel less attracted to smarter woman.

The disconnect could be between how they feel when there is 'psychological distance' and how they feel in situations where 'social comparison' takes place. Park told Spring: There is a disconnect between what people appear to like in the abstract when someone is unknown and when that same person is with them in some immediate social context.

The studies also found that this disconnect between abstract and the reality of meeting a woman, only occurred when the 'domain', in this case intelligencemattered to the man.

Park continued: The domain matters.

Yet, if you care a lot about the domain, then you might prefer that quality in somebody who is distant, then feel threatened when that person gets close to you. The six studies all focused on Adult singles dating in Fountain city, Indiana (IN). male opinions of women, so it is for future research to discover if the same disconnect applies to women's attraction to men.

Similarly, it was not investigated whether the disconnect occurred between homosexuals.

Women preferring smarter male partners is hampering their career opportunities in science Attractive intelligent guy wants same in woman later study led Adult searching sex encounters Virginia Beach Park conducted infound that female preference for a male partner who was more intelligent than they were, was preventing the women from advancing in STEM industries science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, this second study found that women working in STEM fields would 'minimise their intelligence' when pursuing romantic goals. It also found that straight women who preferred a smarter man were less likely to be interested in STEM careers when the goal to be romantically desirable was activated.

The same did not apply to men.